Proof that Shelter Dogs Rule

September 15, 2009

Here I am, sitting in front of my computer researching. Researching any possible opportunity for my shelter foster dog, Raleigh. She’s a wonderful house dog and fun companion—that is until you introduce a cat, go on a walk or see a squirrel. Then she becomes a tornadic terror. Yeah, she has an issue or two. But one on one—what a great dog.

So I’m belaboring this problem and the possible solutions and I came across this wonderful story about shelter dogs and people dedicated to them. I think I’ll stop bitching about Raleigh for a while.

One Response to “Proof that Shelter Dogs Rule”

  1. bearkatqt Says:

    great article. I love reading your blog. It’s fun and informative! Thanks for all you do. Have a wonderful New Year! Look forward to catching up whenever you update.


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